Wednesday, December 2, 2009

things I am giving up because I have too much

note: these are sure to be only temporary. As for how temporary, we shall see.

1. SLEEPING PAST 9 on weekdays, 10 on weekends. I hate how late I have been sleeping on accident.
2. CHOCOLATE- and candy altogether.
3. Starbucks beverages minus tea
4. Fast Food. taco bell? In-n-out? I will miss you guys.
5. Fro-Yo?? Really? Yeah unfortunately I don't know how to have frozen yogurt without covering it in candy and such.
6. Wine. HAHAH yeah right. that was a joke. I can't give that up sorry. I'm not a smoker, I need something to calm me down when the world is pissing me off. :)


the best things in life aren't things