Sunday, February 21, 2010

Let it go

We cannot control the actions of others we can only control ourselves.

Lead by example.

Kindness is love with its work boots on.

Friday, February 19, 2010

There is no E in Ladan

The definition of Laden is to be weighed down with a heavy load

I have been confused for "Laden" before and maybe it is insulting- aside from the person's inability to read.

But I will no longer be weighed down or burdened, nor will I be heavy. So fix your spelling.

And for the people in the world who can only take things at face value, I suggest you start to look further. Don't confuse overly thoughtful people for ridiculous or hypersensitive. Maybe we who dare to look farther possess insight which "normal" people are unable to find without a GPS.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


some people you just cant change. some people are so set in there ways they will never open their minds to the possibility that there are more truths than their own. I have to accept that there are people in this world that are just going to be idiots and you can't change them. And you can't let them get to you. You lose a part of yourself to them when you allow them to steal part of your happiness.