I think I've just discovered something. People actually don't want to know about how happy you are. They don't want to hear you gloat, brag, or light up about how something or someone that makes you so elated. They might once or twice but in general I think it brings out a feeling of "oh shut up already" so if you share your happiness, you must censor and limit it. which blows.
So I always knew people dont want to hear about your troubles. they dont want to know whats wrong, even if they ask. they tire of hearing your problems because they have enough problems of their own. I have come to the conclusion that the average person, the average friend, only wants to hear your life is average good and average bad. if its awful, please keep to yourself. if its amazing, don't rub it in.
The only people who care when you're at your highs and your lows are your real friends.
The average friend only wants to hear you are just that- average.
Cynical much? maybe.
but i think i am on to something here.