Friday, May 6, 2011

Most Hated Baby Names!? I don't know about that.

Here's the full list (with notes from Live Science) ... brace yourself:
Here is the link to the page


Nevaeh ("heaven" spelled backward and one of the most divisive names around, according to Wattenberg)

Destiny (people dislike names that confer a virtue onto a child, Wattenberg said -- and many associated this name with exotic dancers)




Addison (an example of a masculine named turned feminine, which many people dislike, Wattenberg said)

Gertrude (people said this name is "ugly")

Kaitlyn (for its "made-up" spelling)


Bertha (author's note: duh!)





Kaden (these rhyming names struck many as overdone, Wattenberg reported)

Hunter (too much like a last name or "too violent")


Bentley (people dislike brand-name names, Wattenberg found, calling them "trashy")


Michael (too boring, according to some)


I'm surprised to see some of them there -- especially Michael, and Kaitlyn doesn't seem that strangely spelled to me. But some of them, yeah ... "Bentley," really?

Still, if you love a name, it's your baby, and you get to decide. Don't let the haters color your opinion of a name you love ... just know that your child may be among those who hate it too.

What do you think of the baby names on this most hated list? Are your children's names on it? Do you care? "

***Okay so here's my two cents:
I like Tristan. Whats wrong with Tristan?
And I like Michael too, even if its not creative, so what?!?!
Jackson- Now... does that mean just that spelling or is JAXON also bad?? Sorry Cassidy, these people are wrong, everyone is naming their kid Jackson/Jaxon so its not a hated name!
Bertha and Gertrude- that's a joke right?? Nobody names their baby that
Aiden is popular, not hated. but I do agree everyone tries to rhyme them, hayden, jayden... not still, not the most hated baby names! Pssh
KAITLYN? I'm sorry don't listen to them.
And what is wrong with Makalya?? Sorry Kimberly, don't listen to them either.
I will say I dont really like the Navaeh but it is cool that its heaven backwards... I don't know though.
This is a pretty bad list. Maybe I should make my own. Except who would make a list of the most hated names? that is just straight up mean. There are too many names on here of people that I like, some of them being babies!
Maybe we should all just name all the babies "Ladan. " Yeah, that has a nice ring to it.